Title Namiita Lab Community Center and Boat House Namiita

  • Miyagi
Regional Specialties National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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道を下ってすぐの海岸の近くには、第二勝丸という名前の小船が展示されている第二勝丸保存所(Boat House Namiita)があります。雄勝の数多くの建物や船と同様に、この船も2011年の東日本大震災の際の津波によって流されました。しかし、2015年、1,500日以上にわたって行方不明だった第二勝丸は、ハワイのオアフ島沖で発見され、雄勝に帰ってきました。第二勝丸は現在、心温まる希望の物語であるこの船の驚くべき6,000キロメートルの旅について解説した展示の中心になっています。

Namiita Lab Community Center and Boat House Namiita

The Namiita Lab Community Center, constructed using local materials and applying the principles of universal design, won a Good Design Award in 2016. Equipped with spacious meeting rooms, restrooms, a shower and bath, a fully furnished kitchen, and bedrooms, the facility can be reserved for events or as lodging for hikers. The center also runs workshops at which local artisans teach participants how to make traditional Ogatsu slate crafts. Slate is used to make the elegant hand-carved inkstones for which the area is known—which are sold at the center—as well as roofing tiles and even tableware.

Near the shore just down the road is Boat House Namiita, which includes an exhibit of a small boat named the Daini Katsumaru. Like many buildings and boats in Ogatsu, the Daini Katsumaru was washed away by the 2011 tsunami. But in 2015, after being missing for over 1,500 days, it was found off the coast of Hawaii and returned to Ogatsu. It is now the centerpiece of a display detailing its incredible 6,000-kilometer journey, a heartwarming tale of hope in the aftermath of disaster.
