Title Hiking Mt. Shibutsu

  • Gunma
Nature/Ecology Activities
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Gunma Prefecture




• あなた自身の安全を確保し、山の環境を損なうのを避けるため、休憩や写真撮影時に登山道を外れたり、植物を踏んだりしないでください。

• 足元に注意してください。蛇紋岩は非常に滑りやすく、特に濡れている時は注意が必要です。


• 9月下旬から6月下旬までは登山道が雪に覆われたり凍結したりする場合がありますので、ご注意ください。5月上旬から6月下旬までの期間は入山が制限されることがあります。

• さらに詳しい情報は、ビジターセンターでご確認ください。

Hiking Mt. Shibutsu

Mt. Shibutsu is one of the iconic peaks of Oze National Park and is famed for its views of the marshland below and its highly adaptive vegetation. The plants here manage to survive in difficult conditions, as the minerals in the serpentinite rock of the mountain are not conducive to growth. Vegetation diminishes as the trail climbs, and the tree line is at a much lower altitude than other mountains in the area. The environment is very fragile; the trail was closed for eight years from 1989 to let the vegetation recover from damage caused by hikers. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in our efforts to protect the natural environment.

How to Stay Safe and Protect the Environment

• For your own safety and to avoid damaging the mountain, don’t leave the path or step on plants when resting or taking photos.

• Watch your step. The serpentinite rocks are very slippery, particularly when wet.

• We highly recommend beginning your climb before 9:00 am. Fog and lightning are frequent occurrences in the afternoon.

• Be aware that there may be snow and ice on the trail between the end of September and the end of June. Access may be restricted at times between early May and late June.

• Check with the Visitor Center for more detailed information.
