Title Plant Life of Oze

  • Gunma
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Associated Tourism Board:
Gunma Prefecture
Associated Address:
1-1-1 Otemachi, Maebashi-shi , Gumma




尾瀬ヶ原を取り囲む山々は、大部分が落葉樹に覆われていますが、落葉樹の種類は生えている場所の標高と土壌に応じて異なります。例えば、黄味がかった白の樹皮を持つブナ(Fagus crenata)は鳩待峠近辺に大量に生えており、山ノ鼻に向かって下る道は、ミズナラ(Quercus crispula)の森を通っています。標高1,600メートル付近では、オオシラビソ(Abies mariesii)とオゼトウヒ(Picea jezoensis subsp. hondoensis)などの針葉樹がより豊富に見られます。

林床にはほとんど光が届きませんが、植物に関心の高い人はギンリョウソウMonotropastrum humile)を見つけられるかもしれません。小さな白い花を咲かせるこの植物は、他の植物のように光合成を行わず、代わりに菌類から栄養を得ています。

至仏山は火山ではなく、大部分が蛇紋岩でできています。蛇紋岩という名称は、蛇の皮のような見た目にちなんで付けられました。蛇紋岩はマグネシウムと鉄を多く含むため、この岩は多くの種類の植物にとって生育の助けとなりません。至仏山でも育つ植物に、尾瀬にちなんで名付けられたオゼソウ(Japonolirion osense)があります。オゼソウはカトウハコベ(Arenaria katoanaやホソバヒナウスユキソウ(Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium)(写真参照)と共に、「蛇紋岩植物」と呼ばれています。


春と夏の間、湿原は花で覆われます。ミズバショウ(Lysichiton camtschatcense)が最初に姿を現し、5月下旬から6月中旬にかけて湿原の多くの場所を白く覆います。しかし、白い花のように見えるものは、実際には仏炎苞と呼ばれる葉です。7月中旬に明るい黄色がかったオレンジ色の花を咲かせるニッコウキスゲHemerocallis esculenta)も、訪れる人々に根強い人気があります。Daylilyという英語の名前が示唆する通り、ニッコウキスゲは一日しか花が咲きません。茎に繊細な花をつけるイワショウブTriantha japonica)は、氷河期から生き残っている高山植物です。

尾瀬でよく見られるその他の植物には、スポンジのようにたくさんの水を蓄えるミズゴケ(bog moss)や、ワタスゲと呼ばれるcottonsedge (Eriophorum vaginatum)などがあります。

沼や小さな湖で育つ植物には、ヒツジグサNymphaea tetragona)、そしてハスに似た葉をもち黄色い花を咲かせるオゼコウホネ(Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense)があります。

Plant Life of Oze

The area’s distinct topography, geography, and climate conditions have created several ecosystems that host over 900 plant species. Oze lies at the intersection of four distinct types of vegetation: Northern, Southern, Pacific, and Japan Sea varieties.

Mountain Forests

The mountains surrounding Ozegahara are largely covered with deciduous trees, which vary depending on the altitude and the kind of soil. Japanese beech trees (Fagus crenata), with their off-white bark, are numerous in the Hatomachi-toge Pass area, for example, while the trail down to Yamanohana passes through forests of Japanese oak (Quercus crispula). At altitudes over 1,600 meters, coniferous trees such as Maries fir (Abies mariesii) and spruce (Picea jezoensis subsp. hondoensis) are more plentiful.

Very little light reaches the forest floor, and visitors with a keen eye may spot ginryoso (Monotropastrum humile), a plant with small white flowers that does not perform photosynthesis like other plants, instead getting its nutrients from fungi.

Mt. Shibutsu is not volcanic but largely made up of serpentinite, so named because of its snakeskin-like appearance. Due to the high magnesium and iron content of the rock, it is not conducive to the growth of many varieties of plants. One plant that manages to grow on Mt. Shibutsu is ozeso (Japonolirion osense), which takes its name from Oze. This, along with Arenaria katoana and Leontopodium fauriei var. angustifolium (see photos), are recognized as serpentinite-persistent plants.

Marsh Plants

During the spring and summer months the marshes are carpeted with flowers. Mizubasho, or Asian skunk cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcense) is the first to make its appearance, covering many parts of the marshes in white from late May to mid-June. What looks like a white blossom, however, is actually a leaf called a spathe. The bright yellow-orange daylily called Nikko kisuge (Hemerocallis esculenta) is also a perennial favorite for visitors, appearing in mid-July. As the English name implies, the flowers only bloom for one day. Delicate blossoms appear on the stems of the iwashobu (Triantha japonica), an alpine plant that is thought to date back to the Ice Age.

Other plants frequently seen in Oze include the spongy mizugoke (bog moss) that holds a lot of water, and cottonsedge (Eriophorum vaginatum) known as watasuge.

The pygmy water lily, or hitsujigusa (Nymphaea tetragona), is among the plants growing in the ponds and small lakes, along with Ozekohone (Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense), which has leaves like a lotus, but with yellow blossoms.
