Title Ise Jingu Grand Shrine and Toba

  • Aichi
  • Mie
Shrines/Temples/Churches Annual Events National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Ise-Shima National Park
Associated Address:
Sugashimacho, Toba-shi , Mie




Ise Jingu Grand Shrine and Toba

Ise Jingu is one of the most highly revered Shinto sites in Japan. It was established some 2,000 years ago to venerate the sun goddess Amaterasu Omikami. “Ise Jingu” actually refers to a complex of 125 distinct shrines, chief among them Kotai-jingu (also known as the Naiku, or Inner Shrine), and Toyouke-daijingu (also called the Geku, Outer Shrine). The former is dedicated to the sun goddess, who is venerated as the ancestor of the emperors of Japan. The latter is dedicated to Toyouke Omikami, goddess of industry, food, clothing, and shelter. More than 1,500 annual rituals are conducted at Ise Jingu in prayers for the prosperity of the imperial family, world peace, and abundant harvests.

The Toba region plays a key role in these ancient traditions, as the rich natural environment and bountiful harvests of the area have provided offerings of specially prepared foods to be used in Ise Shrine rituals.
