Title Tosashimizu and Shimizu Mackerel

  • Kochi
Cuisine/Food Culture National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park





1. 魚は生きたまま捕らえられ、船の上の温度調整されたタンクの中に入れられます。

2. 魚は人の手に触れないようにします。手で触ると品質に影響が出る場合があるからです。

3. 土佐清水市場に着くと、魚は船からより大きな生簀へと素早く移されます。

4. 魚は1日か2日生簀の中に入れたまま泳がせ、ストレスを和らげてから消費者に向け出荷されます。



Tosashimizu and Shimizu Mackerel

Shimizu mackerel is the brand name for blue mackerel caught in Tosashimizu and shipped alive to buyers. The custom of keeping caught fish alive began in the 1990s, when local fishermen realized the live mackerel they used as bait when fishing for sharks, which are common outside Tosashimizu, were so tasty they could be sold in their own right. Shimizu mackerel is now in high demand, and most of the 40,000 fish shipped from Tosashimizu each year end up on restaurant tables in Tokyo.


Longline fishing is employed to catch blue mackerel one by one.

1. The fish are caught alive and put in temperature-controlled tanks on the boats.

2. The fish are kept untouched by human hands, as this could affect the quality.

3. Upon arrival at Tosashimizu Market, the fish are moved quickly from the boats into larger pools.

4. The fish are left to swim in the pools for a day or two to relieve stress before they are shipped to consumers.

Why the sea off Cape Ashizuri is ideal for fishing

Fishing in the Cape Ashizuri and Tosashimizu region benefits from a fortuitous interplay of ocean currents and underwater topography. The Kuroshio Current flows along the coast from the south. When it collides with depressions in the sea bed right outside Cape Ashizuri, nutrients gathered in these small valleys swirl upward, attracting fish in remarkable numbers.
