Title Zentsuji Temple: Five-Story Pagoda

  • Kagawa
Shrines/Temples/Churches Activities
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Kagawa Prefecture Tourism Association

善通寺 五重塔



Zentsuji Temple: Five-Story Pagoda

The East Asian pagoda originated in the Indian stupa, which in its earliest form was a repository for sacred relics of the Buddha. Pagodas have been built in Japan since the arrival of Buddhism to the archipelago in the sixth century, and they remain a common sight at temples throughout the country. Zentsuji Temple has had a five-storied pagoda for centuries, though the wooden tower has been destroyed repeatedly by natural disasters and war. The current structure, located across from the Golden Hall at To-in (the eastern part of Zentsuji), is the fourth pagoda built on the site. It was built one story at a time over a period of 60 years due to funding difficulties; the temple could only afford to construct one floor every few years.

Finally completed in 1902, the pagoda is relatively earthquake-resistant due to its design, the main feature of which is a central pillar that is suspended from the ceiling rather than being anchored firmly in the ground. This structural design allows the pagoda to sway during an earthquake, reducing the potential damage caused by shaking. During the Golden Week holidays from late April to early May, visitors can enter the pagoda and climb a steep set of stairs to the second floor. At other times of the year, the structure’s closed gates are guarded from above by a mischievous-looking statue of jaki, a Buddhist guardian deity.
