Title Tennenji Yaba and the Mumyo Bridge

  • Oita
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:

鬼会 天念寺耶馬



Tennenji Yaba and the Mumyo Bridge

Tennenji Yaba is a unique scenic landscape in Nagaiwaya, the eastern side of the central area of Bungotakada. Around 1,300 years ago, ascetic monks of the Rokugo Manzan religion walked through this mountainous region known for its distinctive rocky ridges as part of their training. The area is also home to the Tennenji Temple and a neighboring hall where the annual Shujo Onie Festival is held. The festival is a celebration at the time of the lunar new year when revelers wish for a successful harvest season.

Located on a high Tennenji Yaba peak is the area’s Mumyo Bridge (common type of bridge used for ascetic practices), a tiny, slightly curved stone structure that traverses a perilous drop without offering handrails or sides. It is visible from the base of the mountain on a clear day and is a scenic highlight of the area. At the nearby Onie no Sato History Museum, a virtual reality experience lets guests virtually cross the bridge with the monks while taking in the surrounding views.
