Title Kakaji Chomeiso

  • Oita
Cuisine/Food Culture Regional Specialties National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Associated Address:
3-1-1 Otemachi, Oita-shi , Oita


香々地長命草は、豊後高田に自生するボタンボウフウ(Peucedanum japonicum)の地元ブランドで、ビタミンやミネラルが豊富なスーパーフードです。この植物は地元の人々に人気の健康食品で、お茶として飲んだり、甘い柑橘のシロップベースと混ぜたり、または粉末サプリメントとして飲み物に加えることもできます。若い葉は天ぷら(軽く衣をつけた揚げ物)として食べることもできます。


Kakaji Chomeiso

Kakaji Chomeiso is the brand name and local producer of chomeiso (Peucedanum japonicum), a plant that grows naturally in Bungotakada and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Chomeiso is a popular health food and is often steeped to make tea, mixed with a sweet citrus syrup base, or added to drinks as a powdered supplement. The leaves of the young plant are also eaten as tempura (lightly battered and deep-fried).

The plant is a member of the parsley family and is identified by its distinctive purple stem, which is an unusual feature in Japan’s native flora. The species contains a high percentage of anthocyanins—compounds found in blueberries and other purple foods—which are said to benefit the eyes and to act as anti-inflammatory agents. The plant is often found growing close to the sea along rocky terrain. Its popularity prompted an increase in cultivation in fields around the Kunisaki Peninsula. Kakaji Chomeiso products can be purchased in Bungotakada as well as online.
