Title Mt. Sanbe’s Topography

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
Nature/Ecology National Parks/Quasi-National Parks Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
Daisen-Oki National Park


「古三瓶」と呼ばれる古い火山のカルデラ内に連なる 6 つの峰をまとめて三瓶山という。古三瓶が初めて噴火したのは約 10 万年前で、現在の周辺地形を構成する巨大な溶岩ドームが形成された。その後約 96,000 年を経て、その後の噴火により広大なカルデラ内に緩やかな環状を形成する 6 つの峰ができた。

三瓶の 4 つの高い峰の名前は親しみある呼び方で示されている。男三瓶(1,126 m)、女三瓶(953 m)、子三瓶(961 m)、孫三瓶(903 m)はそれぞれ「男」、「女」、「子」、「孫」を意味する。これらの 4 つの峰と太平山(854 m)は共に、約 4,000 年前の最後の噴火でできたものだ。6つ目の峰、日影山(697 m)は三瓶山の可視部としては最も古く、約 2 万年前に形成された。



Mt. Sanbe’s Topography

Mt. Sanbe is the collective name for six peaks clustered within the caldera of an ancient volcano known as “Old Sanbe” (kosanbe). Old Sanbe erupted for the first time around 100,000 years ago, forming a massive lava dome that makes up the surrounding topography. Over the next 96,000 years or so, subsequent eruptions created the six peaks that today form a loose ring within the expansive caldera.

The names of Sanbe’s four highest peaks reflect a familial relationship: Osanbe (1,126 m), Mesanbe (953 m), Kosanbe (961 m), and Magosanbe (903 m) respectively mean “man,” “woman,” “child,” and “grandchild.” These four peaks, along with Taiheizan (854 m), formed from the most recent eruption, around 4,000 years ago. The sixth peak, Hikageyama (697 m), is much older—it was created around 20,000 years ago and is the oldest visible part of Mt. Sanbe.

Hiking trails on all sides of the mountain lead to the summit. There is also a loop trail leading from the top of Osanbe to the peaks of Kosanbe, Magosanbe, Taiheizan, and Mesanbe, allowing hikers to traverse the entire summit ring.

On clear days, the view from Mt. Sanbe extends as far as the Sea of Japan and to Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture.
