Title Sanbutsudō (Important Cultural Property)

  • Tochigi
Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
nikkoshi tagengokaisetsuseibi shienjigyo kentokyogikai
Associated Address:
2300, Sannai, Nikko-shi , Tochigi




Sanbutsudō (Important Cultural Property)

The Sanbutsudō, or “Hall of the Three Buddhas,” is the main hall (hondō) of Rinnōji. It was originally the main hall of the entire Nikkōzan religious complex, modeled on that of Enryakuji in Kyoto, the head temple of Tendai Buddhism. The interior of the hall is divided into two sections: an outer area for lay worshippers, and an inner area that houses the three principal deities.

The Sanbutsudō has been relocated within Nikkōzan several times since it was first built in the ninth century. It has also been repaired or completely rebuilt a number of times after being destroyed by fires and natural disasters. The current structure was built in 1650 after the previous hall was lost in a fire. It is the largest wooden building in eastern Japan.
