Title Nitenmon Gate (Important Cultural Property)

  • Tochigi
Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
nikkoshi tagengokaisetsuseibi shienjigyo kentokyogikai
Associated Address:
2300, Sannai, Nikko-shi , Tochigi

二天門 (重要文化財)



夜叉門 (重要文化財)



Nitenmon Gate (Important Cultural Property)

This is the largest gate in the Nikkōzan area, and the second of the three gates that guard the approach to Iemitsu’s tomb. Its name means “Gate of the Two Heavenly Kings.” Two of the Shitennō (Four Heavenly Kings) stand in the bays at the front of the gate. Jikokuten (left) is the guardian of the east and protector of Japan. Zōchōten (right) is the guardian of the south and god of growth and increase.

Fūjin and Raijin (gods of wind and thunder, respectively) stand on either side of the rear of the gate. The plaque under the curved gable of the roof reads “Taiyūin” in calligraphy painted by Emperor Gomizuno-o (1596–1680).

Yashamon Gate (Important Cultural Property)

This is the final gate of the three gates that guard the approach to Iemitsu’s tomb. Four yasha stand guard, one in each bay. Yasha are the attendants of Shōmen Kongō, a deity who protects against disease.

Yashamon Gate is nicknamed the “Peony Gate” because of the many peonies that are carved on it. The carvings of lions among these flowers allude to an old story about an invincible lion with only one weakness—insects that lived inside its belly. The lion would sleep among peonies because the dew that fell from them would kill the insects.
