Title Popularizing the Faith

  • Yamanashi
Nature/Ecology World Heritage (Natural or Cultural)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Fujisan World Cultural Heritage Council



18世紀になると、江戸では「富士講」と呼ばれる富士山を崇拝する結社が相次いで現れ、江戸(現在の東京)中で組織的に発展しました。伝説的な修験者で宗教指導者であった長谷川角行(1541?-1646)の宗教思想に端を発するとされる富士講信仰は、特に食行身禄 (1671–1733)が1717年に6代目の指導者となってから急速に広がりました。仏教において将来新しい世をもたらすと信じられている弥勒菩薩にちなんだ行名を持つ食行身禄は、より良い新しい時代が間もなく訪れると説きました。また、信仰に対してより合理的で普遍的なアプローチを強調し、当時としては驚くべきことに、女性も男性と同じように富士山に救いを求める資格があるという考えを持っていました。江戸の人々はこのような宗教的・道徳的な教義に賛同し、身禄の教えは江戸中に広く行き渡りました。







Popularizing the Faith

Shugen ascetics were climbing Mt. Fuji as early as the eleventh century, but it was in the late fifteenth century that the mountain became the focus of a more popular faith. A local chronicle called the Katsuyamaki describes “countless” lay pilgrims during the climbing season of 1500. This was certainly not a normal season, as it was an auspicious year for climbing the mountain—one that only comes once every 60 years in the traditional sexagenary cycle, corresponding to the year in which Mt. Fuji “emerged from the mist” in one legendary account of the mountain’s origins. Still, the large number of pilgrims that year seems to imply that spiritual practices centered on Mt. Fuji had spread to the lay community.

In the eighteenth century, an increasing number of confraternities dedicated to Mt. Fuji, known as Fuji-ko, emerged and systematically expanded in the metropolis of Edo (modern-day Tokyo). Claiming spiritual descent from the legendary ascetic and spiritual leader Hasegawa Kakugyo (1541?–1646), the Fuji-ko faith spread rapidly, particularly after Jikigyo Miroku (1671–1733) became the sixth leader in 1717. He adopted the name of Miroku from the bodhisattva that Buddhists believe will renew the world in the future, while preaching that a new and better age was at hand. He also emphasized a more rational, universalist approach to the faith, including—remarkably, for the time—a belief that women were just as entitled to seek salvation in Mt. Fuji as men. The people of Edo approved of these religious and moral doctrines, and Miroku’s teachings spread widely among the city’s populace.
