Title Nakanomon Gate

  • Hyogo
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins World Heritage (Natural or Cultural)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Himeji City
Associated Address:
68, Hommachi, Himeji-shi , Hyogo




Nakanomon Gate

Nakanomon, the “Middle Gate,” once stood here at the midpoint of the stretch of moat that ran along the southern side of Himeji Castle. It was the primary gate in the outer fortifications, connected by a thoroughfare to the castle’s main entrance at Otemon Gate; thus it lay on the route high-ranking visitors traveled on their way to the fortress. Nakanomon Gate was closed at night; the only people allowed to pass after dark were doctors making emergency calls.

Nakanomon stood near an important intersection between the road to the castle and a major regional trade route called the Saikoku Kaido. For this reason, official domain proclamations were posted on a billboard nearby.
