Title Kakenuke-michi Route

  • Wakayama
Shrines/Temples/Churches World Heritage (Natural or Cultural) Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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nachikatsuracho tagengokaisetsuseibi shienjigyo chiikikyogikai



「かけぬけ」という言葉はrun throughという意味の動詞「駆け抜ける」からきており、かけぬけ道は熊野古道の他の道の大部分に比べて短いけれどきつい箇所です。この道は一般の参詣者ではなく、山伏(修験道の行者)の使う道として開かれました。しかし、後に山伏が一般参詣者の案内を務め始めると、二者の区別は曖昧になりました。『那智参詣曼荼羅』には、赤い装束に身を包んだ山伏が、かけぬけ道で白装束の二人組の参詣者を一列で先導している様子が描かれています。阿弥陀寺への参拝は、しばしば「西国三十三所」という観音霊場巡礼の番外として扱われました。



Kakenuke-michi Route

The Kakenuke-michi route is a steep climb up the slopes of 749-meter Mt. Myohozan to Amida-ji Temple. At certain spots along the climb, Nachi Waterfall can be glimpsed through the trees to the north. Spaced along the trail are 23 stone markers, one for each cho (a unit of measurement about 109 meters long) of the route. The climb takes about an hour.

The word kakenuke comes from a verb meaning “to run through,” and the route is a shorter and more intense challenge than most other parts of the Kumano Kodo. It began as a path used by yamabushi (Shugendo mountain ascetics) rather than lay pilgrims. When the yamabushi started acting as guides for visiting pilgrims, however, this distinction blurred. In the Nachi Pilgrimage Mandala, a yamabushi dressed in red can be seen leading two white-clad pilgrims up the Kakenuke-michi in single file. Climbing to Amida-ji Temple was often considered a supplement to the 33-temple Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.

The Circuit Route

Travelers have the option of taking a circuit route that follows the Kakenuke-michi route up to Amida-ji Temple and returns via the paved road to the west. This road also passes Okuno-in, another part of the Amida-ji Temple complex, as well as the Fujimi-dai View Point, on the way back to Nachi Kogen Park. Since descending a steep slope can be trickier than ascending, this is also a safer way to return. The complete circuit takes just over two hours on foot.
