Title Imamura Execution Ground

  • Nagasaki
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
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1579年、大名有馬晴信 (1567-1612)が洗礼を受けると、島原藩の民衆は一斉にキリスト教に改宗しました。しかし、1612年の晴信の死後、息子の有馬直純(1586-1641)はキリスト教を捨て、あまり熱心ではなかったものの、キリシタンを迫害し始めました。江戸幕府はしばらくの間島原藩を直轄地とした後、1618年に大和五条藩(現在の奈良県)の藩主松倉重政(1574-1630)に、武功をあげた褒美として島原藩を与えました。この転封によって石高が4倍に増えた松倉重政は、幕府を喜ばせようと躍起になっていました。領民に立派な城を築かせると、松倉重政は領内のキリシタンの迫害にとりかかり、雲仙の熱湯温泉で生きたまま茹でるなどの残酷な拷問を考案しました。


Imamura Execution Ground

The populace of the Shimabara domain converted en masse to Christianity in 1579, after daimyo Arima Harunobu (1567–1612) chose to be baptized. Following Harunobu’s death in 1612, however, his son Arima Naozumi (1586–1641) abandoned Christianity and began to persecute the local Christians, albeit not very zealously. The shogunate briefly took over the administration of the domain before awarding it to Matsukura Shigemasa (1574–1630) from Yamato Gojo Province (modern-day Nara) in recognition of his martial prowess in 1618. The move quadrupled his income, so Matsukura was eager to please the authorities. Once the local people had built him a magnificent new castle, he set about persecuting the resident Christian population, coming up with sadistic innovations such as boiling them alive in the hot springs of Unzen.

Many Christians were killed at this execution ground, including an Italian priest named Navarro and 56 Catholics from the Omura domain. In the mid-nineteenth century, the bodies of the executed were given to Ichikawa Taiboku and Kaku Saichiro, doctors whose anatomical diagrams contributed significantly to the advance of Japanese medicine. The execution ground remained in use until 1875.
