Title Site of Kanayama Castle

  • Nagasaki
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
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nagasakitoamakusachihonosempukukirishitankanrenisan hozonkatsuyo jikkoiinkai


結城弥平次(1544–没年不詳)は、肥後国(現代の熊本県)のキリシタン大名小西行長(1555–1600)の家臣でした。1600年の関ヶ原の戦いで敗北した側に味方した小西が処刑された際、結城は勝利側にいた島原藩のキリシタン大名有馬晴信 (1567-1612)を新たな主君としました。有馬は1602年に金山城という丘城(平野に囲まれた丘の上に建てられた城)を結城に与えました。


Site of Kanayama Castle

Yuki Yaheiji (1544–unknown) was a retainer of Konishi Yukinaga (1555–1600), the Christian daimyo of Higo Province (modern-day Kumamoto Prefecture). When Konishi was executed for fighting on the losing side at the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Yuki switched his allegiance to Arima Harunobu (1567–1612), the Christian daimyo of Shimabara who had fought on the winning side. Arima presented Yuki with a domain that included Kanayama Castle—an okajiro, or hilltop castle built on a plain—in 1602.

In 1612, the shogun had Arima executed for his part in a corruption scandal, replacing him with his son Arima Naozumi (1586–1641), who turned against Christianity to curry favor with the shogun. When Yuki refused to follow suit and abandon his faith, he was driven into exile. The castle is known locally as Yukijo (“Yuki’s Castle”).
