Title Shugendo Training Workshops

  • Fukushima
Nature/Ecology Activities
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gassambijitasenta uneikyogikai


羽黒山 (414 m)、月山 (1,984 m)、湯殿山(1,500 m)からなる出羽三山は、仏教と神道の要素を取り入れた古来より伝わる山岳信仰である修験道の重要な中心地の一つです。訪れた際は、羽黒町観光協会が主催するワークショップに参加すれば、山伏と呼ばれる修験道の山の行者が行う修行を体験することができます。ワークショップでは三関三渡の巡礼道を数日かけて歩き、修行の生活に没頭します。

この文化体験は、修験道をより深いレベルで理解する良い機会です。ツアーの間、参加者は宿泊施設である「宿坊」に泊まります。行者たちは、何百年もこの簡素な宿泊施設を好んできました。 宿坊では「信仰者のための料理」と訳されることもある精進料理を提供しています。木の実、キノコ、根菜、タケノコ、花、米、豆腐や味噌などの植物性の食材を中心に、地元の山菜や野菜を使用しています。


山伏修行のワークショップは、3タイプの期間で実施されています:(1)1日、 (2)1泊2日、 (3)2泊3日。修行は、8月から10月の間に行われます。詳細については、羽黒町観光協会にお問い合わせください。

Shugendo Training Workshops

The Dewa Sanzan area, encompassing Mt. Haguro (414 m), Mt. Gassan (1,984 m), and Mt. Yudono (1,500 m), is one of Japan’s most important centers of Shugendo, an ancient tradition of mountain asceticism incorporating elements of Buddhism and Shinto. Visitors can experience the training undertaken by Shugendo mountain ascetics, or yamabushi, by participating in a workshop organized by the Haguro Tourist Association. The workshop involves walking the multiday Sankan Sando (“three gates, three passages”) pilgrimage to the three mountains and immersion in the ascetic lifestyle.

This cultural experience is an opportunity to understand Shugendo on a deeper level. Throughout the tour, participants stay in shukubo pilgrim lodgings at night. Ascetics have favored this simple accommodation for centuries. Shukubo serve shojin ryori, which can be translated as “food for devotees.” The main ingredients are local wild plants and vegetables, including nuts, mushrooms, roots, bamboo shoots, flowers, rice, and plant-based ingredients such as tofu and miso.

Participants walk the Sankan Sando pilgrimage wearing traditional all-white outfits that are similar to funerary attire worn by the dead (shiroshozoku). This attire symbolizes the death of the pilgrim’s past, which begins the spiritual rebirth undergone during the journey. The Sankan Sando assumed this symbolic meaning during the Edo period (1603–1867), when the concept of spiritual rebirth through pilgrimages gained prevalence.

The yamabushi training workshop is offered in three lengths: (1) one day, (2) two days and one night or (3) three days and two nights. Training dates are between August and October. For more information, contact the Haguro Tourist Association.
