Title Island Life: Reef Fishing

  • Kagoshima
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Associated Tourism Board:
amamioshima kankobussanremmei


奄美大島海を取り囲む海の生物でいっぱいの珊瑚礁は、何世紀も前から島民たちの日々の糧の供給源でした。海岸からリーフの端までの浅い海はイノ―と呼ばれ、干潮時には男女がここに集まって様々な魚介類を獲ります。地元の人たちは、一番収穫が見込めるのは、イザリ漁(night harvesting)、特に最も盛んになる冬の夜間、潮位が最も低くなる時であることを知っています。地元の慣習によると、猛禽類の渡り鳥がシベリアからやってくるのが合図となって始まるイザリ漁のベストシーズンは、11月から2月まで続きます。





Island Life: Reef Fishing

The coral reef surrounding Amami Oshima is teeming with sea life, and has been a source of sustenance for the islanders for centuries. The shallow sea from the coast to the edge of the reef is called ino, and at low tide men and women flock there to collect many kinds of seafood. Local residents know that izari, (night harvesting) brings the best results—with the peak during winter, when the night tides are at their lowest. According to local custom, the best time for izari is marked by the arrival of migrating raptors from Siberia, and lasts from November to February.

Tools of the Trade

The standard equipment consists of a windbreaker, warm clothes, a powerful flashlight, a long-handled spear, and thick-soled boots to walk on the uneven coral and rock. People devise their own tools based on their experience and skills, but one standard is a traditional bamboo basket (ibiraku or teiru) that can be carried like a backpack to hold the day’s catch.

The Catch

The rocks and tide pools are rich with the ocean’s bounty. Many of the reef’s inhabitants are conveniently nocturnal, while others are asleep and slow to react, making them easier to catch. Turban shells, sea urchins, and crabs are plucked from crevices. Fish that are unable to escape to the sea are caught with spears. A wide range of people take part in this traditional method of fishing, from farmers taking a break from their sugarcane harvesting to families looking to stock their refrigerators or share their catch with friends and neighbors. The sight of their lights bobbing in the darkness off the coast is a memorable Amami Oshima scene.
