Title Sasakama (Surimi Fish Cakes)

  • Miyagi
Cuisine/Food Culture
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
In-outbound sendai-matsushima inc.
Associated Address:
Shiogama-shi , Miyagi

笹かま (Surimi Fish Cakes)



笹かまは、縦長の卵型の見た目から、もとは「べろかま(tongue cake)」と呼ばれていましたが、後により優雅な「笹かま」という呼称に改名されました。この名称は、江戸時代(1603-1867)に現在の宮城県と岩手県にあたる地域の一部を治めていた伊達家の家紋の笹にちなんでつけられたものです。


Sasakama (Surimi Fish Cakes)

Kamaboko are cured surimi (ground fish) cakes that originated as a way to use unsold fish. They are now an important part of Miyagi Prefecture’s culinary heritage, and this is particularly true of Shiogama’s leaf-shaped sasakama.

Sasakama are made with ground white fish, mainly kichiji rockfish, mixed with salt and other natural flavorings. The shaped cakes are then steamed and lightly roasted, creating a fluffy, pleasantly chewy consistency.

These fish cakes were originally known as berokama (“tongue cakes”) for their elongated oval shape but were later renamed to the more elegant sasakama (“bamboo-leaf cakes”). This name was inspired by the bamboo leaf in the crest of the Date family, who ruled parts of modern-day Miyagi and Iwate prefectures during the Edo period (1603–1867).

Sometimes playfully called “fast fish,” as the lack of bones makes for an easy protein-snack, kamaboko can be purchased at gift shops across the area. Besides the plain versions, Shiogama’s 18 producers also create sasakama in seasonal flavors or mix in additions like cheese, green onion, or shellfish.
