Title Sōdō (Monk’s Hall)

  • Fukui
Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
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Associated Tourism Board:
Eiheiji tagengoka suishinkyogikai


僧堂は僧侶が食事をし、睡眠をとり、坐禅を行う場所である。 僧堂は永平寺の三黙道場の1つであり、修行中は私語を交わしてはいけない場所であり、永平寺で最も重要な場所の1つと見なされている。 お堂は1901年に再建された。


Sōdō (Monk’s Hall) 

The Sōdō is where monks eat, sleep, and perform zazen (seated Zen practice). It is one of Eiheiji Temple’s three sanmoku dōjō (“silent training halls”), areas where monks must remain silent as part of their practice. The Sōdō is considered one of the most important spaces at Eiheiji Temple. It was last rebuilt in 1901.

The altar at the center of the Sōdō bears a statue of Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom. He is often represented riding a lion and carrying a sword to cut through ignorance, but he can also be depicted as a monk sitting in zazen.
