Title Irodori Business

  • Tokushima
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Associated Tourism Board:
kamikatsutanada miraizukuri kyogikai



1981年の大寒波は盛んだった上勝のみかん事業を壊滅させました。この直後に、横石知二は、葉っぱや花を集めて付け合わせとして高級日本料理店に販売するというアイデアを持ちました。まさにそのことを実行するため、彼はいろどりを1986年設立し、以来、この事業は年商2億6000万円の事業に成長しました。約200人の供給者が登録されています。約80%が女性で、平均年齢は70歳です。供給者は、その年齢にもかかわらず、スマートフォンやタブレットを使ってどの飲食店が注文を入れたかを確認し、その注文に応じるためお互い競い合っています。ライバルよりも先に受注するには、素早い思考と反応、そして競争が重要です。供給者は、注文を確保した後、自分の畑に葉や花を摘みに行き、梱包し、迅速に出荷して、タイムリーな配達を保証します。仕事を持つことは高齢の住民達にポジティブな考え方と、より明確な人生の方向性を与え、彼らの物語は映画化されて2012年の人生、いろどり(It’s a Beautiful Life -– Irodori)になりました。

Irodori Business

Kamikatsu supplies roughly 80 percent of decorative garnishes (tsumamono) used in Japan through a business initiative called Irodori. There is an extensive selection of colorful tsumamono to make Japanese dishes aesthetically pleasing and enhance seasonality, as Irodori’s 300-product lineup shows. Many varieties have specific meanings or roles. Plum blossoms signal the arrival of spring, lotus leaves impart coolness in the summer, and red maple leaves create the feeling of autumn.

A cold wave destroyed the thriving mikan tangerine business in Kamikatsu in 1981. In the aftermath, Yokoishi Tomoji had the idea of collecting and selling leaves and flowers as garnishes to high-end Japanese restaurants. He founded Irodori to do just that in 1986, and it has since grown into a ¥260 million-a-year business. Approximately 200 suppliers are registered. Around 80 percent are women, and their average age is 70. The suppliers, despite their age, use smartphones and tablets to check which restaurants have placed orders and to compete with each other to fill them. Competition is key, as it takes fast thinking and reactions to accept orders before a competitor does. The supplier, after securing an order, goes to his or her field to pick the leaves or flowers, pack them, and ship them quickly to ensure timely delivery. Having a job has given older residents a positive mindset and more direction in life, and their story was made into the 2012 film, Jinsei, Irodori (It’s a Beautiful Life – Irodori).
