Title Rokube Yew Tree

  • Gifu
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item)
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Web Page
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Shirakawa Village


庄川から少し離れた高台にあるろくべの家の敷地内には、高さ12メートルのイチイ(Taxus cuspidata)の木がある。この木は、約200年前に平瀬集落の旧家の庭に植えられたものと考えられており、有史以前から人が住んでいたとされる平瀬集落の原型となっている。現在、平瀬集落は川沿いに広がっているが、20世紀初頭に鉱山や水力発電所が建設されてから急速に拡大した。


Rokube Yew Tree

The 12-meter-tall Japanese yew tree (ichii; Taxus cuspidata) on the grounds of the Rokube House in the village of Hirase stands on high ground some distance from the Sho River. The tree is thought to have been planted some 200 years ago in the garden of one of the oldest families in Hirase and marks the original site of a village that archaeological findings indicate has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Hirase now extends all the way down to the river, having expanded rapidly from the early twentieth century onward after a mine and then a hydropower plant were opened nearby.

The Japanese yew is relatively common in old gardens in Shirakawa. It grows very slowly, but the wood is comparatively soft and easy to carve. It has traditionally been used as material for ornamental carving in the area covered by present-day Gifu Prefecture.
