Title The Hayashi Residence

  • Kochi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) Activities
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Web Page App, QR code, etc.
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Associated Tourism Board:
Hata Region Tourism Bureau
Associated Address:
3-1-3, Chuo, Sukumo-shi , Kochi


林家は高知で影響力のあった一家で、その邸宅は明治時代 (1868–1912年) の自由民権運動の拠点でした。この邸宅は、本来の設計要素と素材を保存することに重点をおいて、2018年に修復と改装がなされました。隠れ階段や逃げ道などの元々あった機能の多くが、明治初期の政治的に不安定だった時期を思い起こさせます。

この邸宅は、武士の息子である林有造 (1842–1921年) が、1889年に建てたものです。林は、徳川幕府が滅びた後に成立した明治新政府の一員でした。しかし、政府の政策と意見が合わず職を辞し、明治政府に対して1877年に蜂起することになった薩摩の反乱軍を支持しました。



邸宅の前面にある2つの部屋は、政治集会を行うために使われました。これら2つの大きな畳敷きの部屋は襖で仕切られており、襖を開けば約100人が入れます。サクラやタモなど、稀少な木材が随所に使われています。タモは、世界で最も稀少な硬材の1つです。近年のリノベーションの一環として、座敷周りの縁側沿いに現代的なガラスの引き戸とベンチが設置されました。エアコン等、現代的な快適さをもたらす設備は、天井にある木製の飾り板で隠されています。邸宅の随所の木造部分には、金輪継 (釘を使わずに木材を固定する伝統的な手法) のような建築当時の技術が見られます。この邸宅は、建築当時の設計に近い状態を保ちつつ、耐震補強が施され、現代的な設備が整えられました。この歴史のある邸宅には自由に訪れることができます。


The Hayashi Residence

The Hayashi family were influential in Kochi, and their house was the base for the Liberty and People’s Rights Movement during the Meiji era (1868–1912). The home was restored and updated in 2018, with a focus on preserving original design elements and materials. Many of the original features, including hidden stairways and escape routes, are reminders of the politically volatile days of the early Meiji era.

The house was built in 1889 by Hayashi Yuzo (1842–1921), the son of a samurai. Hayashi was a member of the new Meiji government that was established after the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate. However, after disagreeing with government policies, he resigned his post and instead supported the rebel forces in Satsuma that eventually staged an uprising against the Meiji government in 1877.

Hayashi was imprisoned for seven years for sending arms to the rebellion leaders and planning an attack on a government arsenal in Osaka. After his release, he was active in a series of political movements starting with the Liberty and People’s Rights Movement and used his home as a gathering place for fellow activists and supporters.

The residence was designed with features to protect Hayashi and his cohorts from political enemies. A hidden room overlooking the entrance served as a lookout, where servants watched over the approach to the house. A tatami room on the second floor features removable panels in the floor of the tokonoma alcove for a quick escape to the floor below.

Two rooms at the front of the house were used to host political meetings. These large rooms have tatami flooring and are separated by sliding panels which can be opened up to accommodate around 100 people. Rare woods are used throughout, including cherry and Japanese ash, one of the world’s rarest hardwoods. As part of the recent renovation, modern sliding glass doors and bench seating were installed along the veranda which surrounds the main rooms. Modern comforts such as air conditioning units are concealed behind decorative wooden slats in the ceiling. Woodwork throughout the house displays original techniques like kanawatsugi joinery, a traditional method of holding wood together without nails. The house was seismically retrofitted and modernized while keeping close to the original design. The historic residence is free to visit.

As part of the renovation, new facilities were added to the house to create a community space. A modern cafe echoes the traditional design of the house and reuses some of the original materials as decorative elements. Light meals are available, along with information about activities, and local products to buy. New restroom and shower facilities have been installed for visitors to refresh after their travels, and bike rentals are available. The Hayashi Residence is on a popular cycling route around Sukumo. Enkoji Temple, one of the 88 temples on the Shikoku Henro pilgrimage route, is within easy cycling distance.
