Title Sukumo Municipal Museum of History

  • Kochi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Villages/Towns Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Hata Region Tourism Bureau
Associated Address:
2-7-14, Chuo, Sukumo-shi , Kochi


この小さな博物館は、縄文時代 (紀元前10,000年–紀元前300年) における初期の集落から、江戸時代 (1603–1867年)における交易の中心地および城下町としてのこの地域の発展まで、宿毛の歴史を紹介しています。宿毛は小さな町ですが、明治時代 (1868-1912年) における日本の近代化と経済発展について役割を果たし、日本の自由民権運動における重要人物である林有造 (1842-1921年) など、主要な政治家や企業家を輩出しました。




Sukumo Municipal Museum of History

This compact museum introduces the history of Sukumo from early settlement in the Jomon period (10,000 BCE–300 BCE) to the area’s growth as a trade hub and castle town in the Edo period (1603–1867). Despite being a small town, Sukumo played a role in the modernization and economic development of Japan in the Meiji era (1868–1912), producing leading entrepreneurs and politicians including Hayashi Yuzo (1842–1921), a key figure in Japan’s Liberty and People’s Rights Movement.

During the Edo period, Sukumo was an important land connection between Ehime and Kochi prefectures. It was also the westernmost port on the Pacific Ocean. Trading vessels shipping goods between Osaka and Kyushu called at the port. The town received shipments of sugar from Kagoshima near the southern tip of Kyushu and exported camphor for protecting kimono and other precious fabrics from insects.

At the center of the museum is a large-scale model of the town as it was during the Edo period, making it easy for visitors to visualize the original layout of Sukumo. Touch-screen explanations in English explain artifacts on display, which include Chinese silk and armor and swords.

The museum is located in Sukumo’s traditional samurai district, across the road from the Hayashi Residence, a historical home featuring a modern cafe with information on attractions in the area.
