Title Ferns

  • Kagoshima
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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Tree fern / Cyathea lepifera / Hikagehego / ヒカゲヘゴ 古代のシダに見えるヒカゲヘゴだが、比較的新しいシダの仲間であり、約1億年前から生息する日本最大のシダ植物である。奄美大島と近隣の島々で自生し、細い幹は10メートルにもなり、林道の端の様な日当たりのいい湿った地面に生える事が多い。長く、黄緑色の葉は3メートルにもなり、幹から四方に伸びる。葉が落ちると楕円形の傷が残り、幹に美しい模様が残ることから学名のlepifera(鱗がある植物)が付けられた。

Bird’s nest fern / Asplenium nidus / Shima-otaniwatari / シマオオタニワタリ シマオオタニワタリは、岩や樹皮に着生する着生植物である。東アジア原産で、奄美大島では主にスダジイやアマミアラカシの硬い幹から育っているのがよく見られる。長さ2メートルほどに成長し、鮮やかな緑の長い葉が中心からアーチ状に生えている。また、葉はカップ状になっていて、溜まった水や落ち葉を分解し、栄養分に変える。


Tree fern / Cyathea lepifera / Hikagehego / ヒカゲヘゴ

Although these ferns have an almost prehistoric appearance, they are a relatively new member of the fern family, first appearing around 100 million years ago. The largest fern species in Japan, they are native to Amami-Oshima and a few neighboring islands. Their slender trunks can reach heights of 10 meters, and they usually grow in spots where the ground stays moist but gets plenty of light, such as the shoulders of forest roads. Yellowish-green fronds, some up to 3 meters long, radiate from the trunk at the crown. When the fronds fall, they leave oval scars in an attractive pattern on the trunk, hence the scientific name lepifera, which refers to plants with “scales.”

Bird’s nest fern / Asplenium nidus / Shima-otaniwatari / シマオオタニワタリ

This fern is what is known as an epiphyte, a plant that grows on rocks or the bark of trees. It is native to most of East Asia, and on Amami-Oshima it is mainly found on the rough trunks of the chinquapin oak and Amami ring-cup oak. It grows up to 2 meters wide, and has long bright-green leaves that spread gracefully from the center. The cup-like arrangement of the fern’s leaves catches water as well as falling leaves, which decompose and provide nourishment for the plant.
