Title Other Broadleaf Trees

  • Kagoshima
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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Needlewood / Schima wallichii / Iju / イジュ 主に琉球諸島と南方の島の山林に自生し、現在は広葉樹の二次林や森の道沿いなどで高さ10m以上にも育つ。濃い茶色の樹皮に、枝先に生える光沢のある深緑の葉は縁に鋸歯があり、花は白く、5月~7月に多く咲き、濃い葉とのコントラストが鮮やかである。香りも強く、多くの昆虫を引き寄せる。奄美大島には、日本画家の田中一村(1908–1977)のコレクションを展示する美術館があり、イジュの花は島の梅雨の季節のシンボルであった。彼の絵には、イジュの木が描かれたものが奄美空港近くの田中一村記念美術館で見ることができる。

Southern Japanese laurel / Aucuba japonica var. ovoidea / Nangoku-aoki / ナンゴクアオキ 常緑樹であるナンゴクアオキは、日本南部の島の山林に高さ2~3mほどの高さに育つ。奄美大島では主に湯湾岳や奄美自然観察の森で見られる。緑色の幹を持ち、葉は緑で鋭い。春には枝先に濃い赤紫の花を、多数の幹が細かく枝分かれした先に咲く。その後、直径2㎝程の真っ赤な実を付ける。ナンゴクアオキは、雄花と雌花が同一個体上にある、雌雄同株である。

Sweet leaf / Symplocos microcalyx / Ama-shiba / アマシバ この常緑低木が育つ最北の地が奄美大島であり、川沿いや石灰石ではない山の尾根の土俵に育つ。枝は濃い茶色で、光沢のある葉は、楕円形で縁に鋸歯がある。小さな純白の花は春に咲き、花弁より雄しべが多く突き出て、葉の間に咲く房状の花は森に雪を散らしたようである。若葉を噛むと甘みがあるため、アマシバの名がついた。

Other Broadleaf Trees

Needlewood / Schima wallichii / Iju / イジュ

This is a tree common to mountain forests of the Ryukyu archipelago and other southern islands of Japan. It is now dominant in secondary broadleaf forests and along forest roads, where it grows to heights of 10 meters or more. The tree has thick brown bark and glossy dark-green oblong leaves with serrated edges that grow at the ends of the branches. The flowers are white and plentiful, and contrast with the dark leaves to showy effect when they blossom between May and July. Their strong fragrance attracts many insects. To the traditional Japanese-style painter Tanaka Isson (1908–1977), the flowers were a symbol of the island during the rainy season. His paintings, including scenes of needlewood trees, can be seen at the Tanaka Isson Memorial Art Museum near Amami Airport.

Southern Japanese laurel / Aucuba japonica var. ovoidea / Nangoku-aoki / ナンゴクアオキ

This evergreen tree is found throughout mountain forests on the southern islands of Japan, where it grows to heights of 2 to 3 meters. On Amami-Oshima it is found mainly on Mt. Yuwandake and in the Amami Nature Observation Forest. The trunk is green, and the leaves have blunt edges. In spring, the tree’s very small, dark reddish-purple flowers bloom on stalks with numerous branches. The bright-red berries that follow are about 2 centimeters in diameter. The tree is monoecious, meaning it has both male and female flowers.

Sweet leaf / Symplocos microcalyx / Ama-shiba / アマシバ

Amami-Oshima is the northernmost location where this evergreen shrub can grow. It is found along riverbanks and on mountain ridges in non-limestone soil. The branches are dark brown, and the glossy leaves are oval with serrated edges. The tiny pure-white flowers bloom in the spring. They have many protruding stamens that are more visible than the petals, and the clusters of blossoms seen against the leaves resemble a light snowfall in the forest. The sweet leaf’s name refers to the taste of its young leaves.
