Title Frogs

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Associated Tourism Board:
ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Otton frog / Babina subaspera / Otton-gaeru / オットンガエル 奄美大島と加計呂麻島のみに生息する大型カエルの固有種。雌は雄より大きいが、共に同じ色彩で背中には薄茶の斑紋があり、白い腹部と茶色い縞が後肢にある。主に森の中の渓流付近におり、昆虫やカタツムリを食べる。通常のカエルは前脚に通常4本の指を持つが、オットンガエルは珍しい5本の指。指には鋭く尖った爪を隠しもち、雄が交尾の際に雌に捕まるため、よく傷跡を残す。また、雄は他の雄へ爪で攻撃することもあり、時々交尾中の相手への攻撃も観察されている。県の天然記念物とされ、森林伐採と外来種のマングースにより数が減り、絶滅危惧種と指定されていたが、近年数が増えている様子。名前の由来は奄美の方言で「大きい」という意味。

Amami Ishikawa frog / Odorrana splendida / Amami Ishikawa-gaeru / アマミイシカワガエル 鮮やかな色彩を持つ体調9~12cmの珍しいカエルは日本一美しいカエルとされ、鮮やかな黄緑色の体に金と紫の斑点がでこぼこした背中や頭、脚にある。以前は沖縄本土のイシカワガエルと同類と思われていたが、200万年以上前に分岐したとされ、今では奄美大島のみで見られる。森の中の渓流付近に生息するが、つま先の吸盤を使い、木を登ることができる。昆虫、カタツムリやミミズを食し、森の源流の岩の隙間や地中に卵を産み、繁殖する。オタマジャクシである幼生期は2年ほど過ごし、孵化した場所から90mも移動することができる。アマミイシカワガエルは今絶滅危惧種と指定されており、県の天然記念物でもある。


Otton frog / Babina subaspera / Otton-gaeru / オットンガエル

This large frog is found only on Amami-Oshima and neighboring Kakeroma Island. The female and male are similar in size (12 to 14 centimeters long) and coloring—a mottled tan back and whitish abdomen, with brown bands on the hind legs. The Otton frog is found for the most part near streams in forest areas, where it feeds on insects and snails. While most frogs have four toes on their front feet, this frog has a fifth toe with an unusual feature. Inside the toe is a concealed weapon—a sharp, retractable claw that the male uses to hold on to a female when mating, often leaving scars. The male has also been observed using the claw in combat with other males, sometimes even attacking an opponent in the middle of mating. The Otton frog has been designated a prefectural natural monument. It was listed as endangered after its population declined due to deforestation and the proliferation of mongooses and feral cats, but the numbers are believed to have been increasing in recent years. Its name comes from the word for “big” in the Amami dialect.

Amami Ishikawa’s frog / Odorrana splendida / Amami Ishikawa-gaeru / アマミイシカワガエル

The brilliant coloring of this rare amphibian has earned it a reputation as the most beautiful of Japanese frogs. Its body (9 to 12 centimeters long) is a bright yellowish-green, with blotchy areas of gold and purple on its bumpy back, head, and legs. Though once thought to be the same species as a type of frog found on Okinawa Island, it is now believed to have diverged from that species more than 2 million years ago, and is only found on Amami-Oshima. The frog’s habitat is near mountain streams, but it can climb trees using the large suction cups on its toes. It feeds on insects, snails, and earthworms, and breeds in headstreams in the forest, where it lays eggs in rock crevices or underground. The tadpoles spend up to two years in the larval stage and can move long distances in streams from the spot where they hatched. The Amami Ishikawa’s frog is now designated an endangered species and a prefectural natural monument.
