Title Damselflies

  • Kagoshima
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ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei


Ryukyu black wing damselfly / Matrona basilaris japonica / Ryukyu haguro-tombo / リュウキュウハグロトンボ 奄美大島、徳之島、沖縄本島の固有種であるイトトンボで、通常のトンボに比べて翅が繊細で、体は細長い。リュウキュウハグロトンボは特に目立ち、オスの体はメタリックな青緑や黄緑で、翅は紫を帯びた光沢のある黒。メスはオスに比べるとシンプルで、翅は褐色で体が赤茶色。山林の渓流付近で多くみられる。メスの求愛行動としては、翅をくねらせ、水面上でホバリングをし、胴体を曲げて腹部を見せつける。受け入れられると近場の枝などで体をハート型に連結し、交尾をする。

Amami blue damselfly / Coeliccia ryukyuensis amamii / Amami rurimon-tombo / アマミルリモントンボ 似た種類のイトトンボは近場の島にも存在するが、この繊細なイトトンボは奄美大島と徳島の固有種で、渓流や湿地帯でよくみられる。成虫の雄は、頭と腹部が瑠璃色で、黒い体には細い青い縞模様がある。メスは長く黒い体に黄色い縞模様があり、頭と腹部も黄色い。


Ryukyu black wing damselfly / Matrona basilaris japonica / Ryukyu haguro-tombo / リュウキュウハグロトンボ

This species of damselfly is endemic to Amami-Oshima, the neighboring island of Tokunoshima, and the island of Okinawa. Damselflies have more delicate wings and slimmer bodies than dragonflies, and this one has particularly striking features. The body of the male ranges in color from a metallic bluish green to a yellowish green, and the wings are glossy black with a purple tinge. The female is plainer, with tan wings and a reddish-brown body. This damselfly is often seen in large numbers near streams in the mountain forest. During the mating ritual, the female wiggles her wings and hovers over the water, bending her torso to display her abdomen. Once the male is accepted, the mating proceeds on a nearby perch, with their bodies forming the shape of a heart.

Amami blue damselfly / Coeliccia ryukyuensis amamii / Amami rurimon-tombo / アマミルリモントンボ

Though similar species exist on nearby islands, this delicate damselfly is endemic only to Amami-Oshima and Tokunoshima, where it can be frequently seen near mountain streams and wetlands. The adult male typically has a turquoise-blue head and abdomen, and a black body with thin blue stripes. The female usually has a long black body with thin yellow stripes, and a yellow head and abdomen.
