Title Amami night-sky pufferfish

  • Kagoshima
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Associated Tourism Board:
ippanshadanhojin amamioshima kankobussanremmei

Amami night-sky pufferfish / Torquigener albomaculosus / Amami hoshizora fugu / アマミホシゾラフグ 長年奄美大島の南部の端から少し離れた海を探索するダイバーは、海底に不思議な3つの円を目撃していた。2011年、水中カメラマンがユニークな海洋生物による魅力的な動きを目撃し、謎とされていた円形の模様が明らかになった。それはアマミホシゾラフグの産卵巣であり、この場所でしか記録されたことのない独特な求愛行動の様子であった。オスは体長12cmほどで小さく、ヒレを使い、直径2mにもなる細かい円形の模様を水深10~20mほどの場所で作っている。様々な貝やサンゴを集め、使いやすいサイズに砕き、巣を飾り付ける。

小さな魚の大きな仕事 巣作りの作業は1週間以上かかることもあり、メスが巣の見た目に惹かれた場合、交尾をし、円の中心で産卵が行われる。産卵後、メスは巣を離れ、オスが卵の世話をする。数日後、孵化すると、オスは新たなデザインの巣作りを始める。同じ巣を再び使うことはない。2014年にこの不思議で働き者の魚は新種として登録された。名前は背中にある多くの銀色帯びた白い斑点からきている。

Amami night-sky pufferfish / Torquigener albomaculosus / Amami hoshizora fugu / アマミホシゾラフグ

Scuba divers exploring reef life just off the southern tip of Amami-Oshima had for years come across mysterious three-dimensional circles in the sand on the sea floor. It wasn’t until 2011, when an underwater photographer witnessed a stunning performance by a unique sea denizen, that the origins of the markings became clear. The circular geometric patterns were spawning nests made by the Amami night-sky pufferfish as part of a unique mating ritual that has only been recorded in this spot. The small, 12-centimeter-long male uses its fins to create intricate round designs approximately 2 meters in diameter, at depths ranging from 10 to 20 meters. It then collects shellfish and coral, breaks them into manageable pieces, and decorates the nest.

A big job for a little fish

The entire job can take over a week of nonstop effort. If a female finds the nest’s appearance appealing enough to mate in it, the spawning takes place in the center of the circle. After laying her eggs, the female leaves the nest and the male looks after the eggs. After a few days they hatch, and the male heads off to start work on another nest and a new design. The same nest is never used again. In 2014, this unusual, hardworking fish was registered as a new species. Its name is a reference to the many silvery white spots on its back.
