PART I  Outline of Transport Economy in Fiscal 1981

CHAPTER 1. Economic Situation and Transport
  1.1 Economic Situation
  1.2 International Transport
  1.3 Domestic Transport
CHAPTER 2. Improvement of Facilities
CHAPTER 3. Financial Situation
  3.1 Financial Situation
  3.2 Employment
CHAPTER 4. Technological Development
  4.1 Present Situation of Technological Development
  4.2 Progress of Computerization
CHAPTER 5. How to Respond to Social Demands
  5.1 Measures for Traffic Safety
  5.2 Measures for Disaster Prevention
  5.3 Measures for Environmental Protection
CHAPTER 6. Qualitative Development of Transport Services

PART II  Tasks Facing Transport

CHAPTER 1. Reconstruction of JNR and Future Tasks
  1.1 Financial Situation of JNR
  1.2 JNR's Present Reconstruction Plans
  1.3 Promotion of Reconstruction Plans by the Government
CHAPTER 2. Transport and International Society
  2.1 Japan's Position vis-a-vis Transport-Related International Problems
  2.2 Future Direction of Ocean-Going Shipping and Reform of Seamen's System
  2.3 Adoption of Sea Law Convention and Japan's Position vis-a-vis New Sea order
  2.4 Promotion of International Cooperation and Interchange
  2.5 Problems Pertaining to International Aviation and Development of International Airports
  2.6 International Problems Pertaining to Shipbuilding and Automobiles


Appendix A. Organization of the Ministry of Transport
Appendix B. Domestic Passenger Transport by Transport Mode
Appendix C. Domestic Freight Transport by Transport Mode
Appendix D. Trends of Passenger Transport (passenger-kilometers) by Transport Mode and Real GNP, etc
Appendix E. Trends of Total Freight Transport (ton-kilometers), Domestic Demand and Production of Material-Type Industry
Appendix F. Japan's International Transport
Appendix G. Transport-Related Invisible Trade Balance
Appendix H. Improvement of Transportation Infrastructure
General Note:
1. Fiscal year in Japan is from April I to March 31 of the next year.
2. Ton-kilometer and passenger-kilometer are statistical units denoting the total volume of transport. Ton-kilometer is the product of the weight of freight transported (tons) and the distance of its transportation (kilometers). Passenger-kilometer is the product of the number of passengers transported and the distance of their transportation ( kilometers ) .


The volume of freight and passenger transport does not include the volume of transport by light motor vehicles. Light motor vehicle is four-wheeled car with total displacement up to 0.55 liter.
4. JNR stands for Japanese National Railways. Shinkansen is a bullet train system which has been operated by JNR since 1964.