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(1) 双方向のウェブサイト、ニュースレターの定期刊行、シンポジウム、ワークショップ、その他洪水に関する会議により、情報共有の枠組みを提供。
(2) 水文観測施設が未整備の国・地域における洪水被害の軽減を目的に、人工衛星を利用した洪水警報システムを構築。
(3) その他、メンバーが提案するプロジェクトを推進するための連携調整と支援。

   WMO(世界気象機関)、WWC(世界水会議)、GWP(世界水パートナーシップ)、NWP(オランダ水パートナーシップ)、韓国建設交通部、オランダ運輸公共事業水管理省、ネパール水資源省、バングラデシュUnnayan Parishad、 Disaster Mitigation Institute (India)、リオグランデスル大学、等

Sectorial Topic Disaster Mitigation and Risk Management
[Nation (Ministry,
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport,
IFNet Preparatory Unit
Partner(s) tentative] WMO, WWC, GWP, NWP, Korea Ministry of Construction & Transportation, Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works, and Water Management, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Ministry of Water Resources of Nepal, Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad, Disaster Mitigation Institute (India), The Stockholm International Water Institute, Sabo Technical center, Korea Water Resources Corporation, JICA, JBIC, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Title International Flood Network (IFNet)
Objective The objectives of IFNet are to help break the vicious circle of poverty, assist developing countries achieve sustainable development and contribute to economic stability by improving the coordination and effectiveness of measures to manage floods and reduce the loss of life and property damage that they cause.
Contents IFNet provides a framework within which all who work in flood management can exchange information and seek partnerships to improve the effectiveness of their work.
Means of Implementation
- To provide a mechanism for the exchange of information by establishing interactive web site and circulating a periodic newsletter,
- To convene and co-sponsor symposia, workshops and other meetings on topics related to flooding,
- To encourage its members and others to coordinate their efforts and collaborate in joint projects and thus improve the effectiveness of their individual programme.
Target Year
September, 2003 Follow-up Meeting to WWF3
March, 2004 The 1st Preparatory Meeting for the WWF4
March, 2005 The 2nd Preparatory Meeting for the WWF4
Summer/Autumn 2005  Regional Meeting
November, 2005 Advance Meeting for WWF4
March, 2006 WWF4
Target Area / Place Global
Means of Implementation
- More resources and knowledge on flood management will be available around the world.
- flood damage can be mitigated by not only structural approaches but also non-structural approaches.
- Achieve sustainable development and contribute to economic stability by improving the coordination and effectiveness of measures to manage floods and reduce the loss of life and property damage that they cause.
Relevance to the Plan of Implementation of WSSD Para 37
Other Information
(Contact) River Planning Division, River Bureau

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