Title Jojodan no Ma, Imperial Presence Chamber

  • Miyagi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:


This room at Zuiganji is reserved for the emperor and members of the Imperial family. The room’s floor is higher than any other room in the main hall in recognition of the emperor’s superior status. This room was unused from the time of its construction in 1609 until Emperor Meiji spent a night at the temple in 1876. The hand-woven tatami mats are of the highest quality workmanship and are thicker and softer than any others in the building. The red and white camellias painted on the shelves represent long life and enduring prosperity.
