Title Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

  • Chiba
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Narita City Tourism Association
Associated Address:
1 Narita, Narita-shi , Chiba


成田山新勝寺は、1000年以上の歴史を持つ「真言密教」の大本山である。真言宗は、日本で最も主要な仏教宗派のひとつで、9世紀に高僧・空海(弘法大師)によって中国から日本に伝わった。儀式や瞑想を通して、生涯をかけて悟りを開くことができると考える、難解な仏教宗派である。1,000万人もの参拝客が毎年訪れ、220,000平方メートルの境内面積を誇る本寺は、東日本で最も人気があり広い寺の一つである。 新勝寺の建物のうち、2つの旧本堂や三重塔など五つが重要文化財に指定されている。大本堂にある、強い慈悲を持つことで知られる「不動明王」像も重要文化財に指定されている。


Naritasan Shinshoji Temple

Naritasan Shinshoji is one of the main temples of Shingon Buddhism with a history dating back over 1,000 years. Shingon Buddhism is one of the major schools of Buddhism in Japan. Shingon Buddhism was brought back from China by the famous monk Kukai (Kobo Daishi) in the ninth century. It is a school of esoteric Buddhism, which holds that enlightenment is possible in this very life, through the practice of rituals and meditation. The temple is one of the largest and most popular in eastern Japan, covering 220,000 m2 and welcoming 10 million visitors every year. Five of Shinshoji temple's buildings are designated Important Cultural Properties, including the two former main halls and the Sanju no to, a three-storied pagoda. The famous image of Fudo Myoo, a Buddhist deity of fierce compassion, which is enshrined in the Daihondo Great Main Hall, is also an Important Cultural Property.

“Naritasan” is the sango (the “mountain name” prefix; san means mountain) of Shinshoji Temple. Buddhist temples were often built on mountains, and it became common to prefix temple names with the name of the mountain on which they are located.
