Title Forest Terrace

  • Tokyo
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Meiji Jingu



This café, named Mori no Terrace, or “terrace of the forest”, is part of the larger Forest Terrace complex. The rest of the Forest Terrace is located further along the Minami sando main approach to the shrine. There are restaurants and a souvenir shop with many traditional, natural architectural features.

The Meiji Jingu forest is considered sacred, and therefore no plants can be brought in or taken out. In keeping with this, fallen trees from the forest were used in the construction of the Mori no Terrace café building. Zelkova, oak, camphor, and cherry tree wood are to be found in the building. The name of the type of wood used is engraved into the back of the chairs.
