Title Hokyoji Temple

  • Yamanashi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins $SETTINGS_DB.genreMap.get($item) Shrines/Temples/Churches
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Tsuru Farm Stay Promotion Council


東桂駅の近くにある宝鏡寺は、1356年に建てられました。ここは都留の自然と歴史を体験できる静かな場所です。この寺は、いくつかの伝統的な木造構造の建物で構成されていますが、その中でも特に注目すべきものは庫裏や寺の厨房です。 この建物は都留の最大の歴史的建造物であり、建設日が確定したものの中で最古のものです。

寺の背後には花見の人気スポット、宝鏡寺山があります。 寺の本堂の真後ろにある斜面は、5月上旬に明るい黄色の花が咲くヤマブキソウで覆われます。 この花はこの地域でも稀で、天然記念物と指定されています。 この山はまた多くの桜の木で覆われており、春には多くの人が訪れます。 この山上からこの周辺を見渡す景色も素晴らしく、一見の価値があります。

Hokyoji Temple

Founded in 1356, this quiet temple located near Higashi Katsura Station provides a calming environment in which to experience the nature and history of Tsuru. It is the largest historic structure in Tsuru as well as the oldest of those whose date of construction has been confirmed. The temple itself is composed of several beautifully constructed traditional wooden buildings. The most noteworthy is the kuri, or the temple kitchen.

Behind the temple lies Hokyoji Mountain, a popular destination for flower viewing. The slopes directly behind the main hall of the temple are covered in a field of yamabuki grass (Kerria japonica), whose bright yellow flowers bloom at the beginning of May. As this flower is rare in the area, it has been declared as a natural monument. The mountain is also covered with a number of cherry trees, making it a popular destination in the springtime as well. The view from the top is worth seeing, offering a panorama of the surrounding countryside.
