Title Enzuin Temple

  • Yamanashi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Tsuru Farm Stay Promotion Council
Associated Address:
3-5-1 Chuo, Tsuru-shi , Yamanashi


円通院は1467年に建てられたと考えられています。元々は観音菩薩に捧げられたものでした。 寺の創設時に建てられたこの観音菩薩は、現在も寺院内に保管されています。 1633年以降、秋元泰朝氏の希望で曹洞宗に改宗しました。

都留にある多くの礼拝堂の中でも、この寺では特に、1753年に建てられた鐘楼、1668年に作られた梵鐘、1748年に建てられた覚雄殿門、 17世紀初めに建てられた薬師堂など、多くの江戸時代(1603-1867年)の構造物を見ることができます。 特に興味深いのは、その時代の最高の職人によって鍛造された350年前の梵鐘です。 20世紀に入って、武器を生産するために多数の鐘が徴収されましたが、この鐘はそのような運命を逃れた数少ない鐘の一つです。 現在、都留市の文化財に指定されています。


Enzuin Temple

Enzuin Temple is thought to have been built in 1467 and was originally dedicated to Kannon Bodhisattva. A statue of this deity dating to the temple’s founding is still kept within its walls. After 1633, however, the temple converted to the Soto Zen sect at the wish of the ruler Akimoto Yasutomo (1580–1642).

Among the many halls of worship in Tsuru, Enzuin Temple possesses the greatest quantity of Edo period (1603–1867) structures. This includes a bell tower built in 1751 and a bell forged in 1668, the Gakuyuden Gate built in 1748, and the Yakushi Hall dating to the early seventeenth century. Of particular interest is the 350-year-old temple bell, which was forged by the greatest craftsman of its day. Large numbers of such bells were requisitioned during the twentieth century for munitions production, but this bell was one of the few to escape such a fate. It is now a Cultural Property of the city of Tsuru.

The temple grounds also hold an old stone bridge that had spanned the Kachu River for hundreds of years before being relocated here in the early twentieth century. A poetry stele bears the haiku the poet Matsuo Basho (1644–1694) wrote when he visited the temple. In the Main Hall are several paintings attributed to the famous nineteenth-century painter Katsushika Hokusai (c. 1760–1849).
