Title Takanishi Family House

  • Ishikawa
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Kanazawa City Tourism Association General Incorporated Association



高西家は、隣にある清水家と並び、金沢においてもっとも古い足軽の一戸建て家の一つです。 1994年に解体され、金沢市足軽資料館に移転されるまでは、もとの住人だった足軽の子孫たちが住んでいました。高西家は以前、飛脚のために指定された地区にありました。 飛脚とは、荷物から為替、通信に至るまでさまざまなものを運ぶ配達人で、その速さと独自の走り方で知られていました。江戸時代の比較的平和の時代には、「飛脚」は足軽の主な仕事だった。


Takanishi Family House

In the Edo period (1603–1867), ashigaru (foot soldiers, the lowest rank of samurai) often lived in continuous rows of tenement housing called nagaya (literally “longhouses”). In the prosperous Kaga domain (feudal-era Ishikawa centered on Kanazawa), however, ashigaru were allotted detached houses with gardens. This unusual incentive, along with Kaga’s economic opportunities, is thought to have made the domain attractive to ashigaru.

The Takanishi Family House, along with the Shimizu Family House next door, is one of the oldest remaining detached houses for ashigaru in Kanazawa. Descendants of the original ashigaru owners lived in the house until 1994, when it was dismantled and moved here to become part of the Kanazawa City Ashigaru Museum. Previously, the residence was located in the district designated for “fast feet” (hikyaku). Hikyaku were couriers known for their speed and unique running style; they delivered anything from correspondence and goods to money orders. In the relatively peaceful Edo period, hiyaku was the primary occupation of many ashigaru.

Inside the Takanishi Family House, visitors can learn more about ashigaru organizations, life, residential areas, and housing. The Shimizu Family House next door introduces everyday life and activities.
