Title Jogyo-do (Important Cultural Property)

  • Shiga
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Shrines/Temples/Churches Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Hieizan Enryakuji

常行堂 一棟(重文)




Jogyo-do (Important Cultural Property)

The hall is also called the Jogyozanmai-in and is used for the practice of the “constant-walking samadhi.” This is one of four types of samadhi or concentration practices described in Makashikan, a text written by Chigi, the monk who founded Tendai Buddhism. This text is among the most important in Tendai Buddhism and it had a profound influence on Saicho. The hall enshrines a statue of the Amida Buddha. In “constant-walking samadhi,” monks chant the name of the Amida Buddha, concentrating on the Amida Buddha while walking within the hall without resting for ninety days.

The practitioner is not allowed to lie down, and must remain standing even while sleeping. When the practitioner enters the state of intense concentration or samadhi, he will see the Buddha before his eyes. Thus, this practice is also called the butsuryu-zanmai, or the “standing Buddha samadhi.” The hall is still used for this practice, and silence must be observed in the area around the hall.

There were Constant-Walking halls in the East Pagoda (Todo), West Pagoda (Saito), and Yokawa areas. Today, only the Saito area hall still remains.

C: Chinese

Jogyo-do (Constant-Walking Hall)

Jogyozanmai-in (Constant-Walking Samadhi Temple)

Tendai (C. Tiantai)

Chigi (C. Zhiyi)

Makashikan (C. Mohe zhiguan)

Butsuryu-zanmai (samadhi in which the Buddha appears standing in front of you)
