Title Wooden Boardwalks at the Summit

  • Tottori
  • Shimane
  • Okayama
Nature/Ecology Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Daisen-Oki National Park



Wooden Boardwalks at the Summit

Alpine meadows once covered the summit of Mt. Daisen, but many of these have been destroyed by climbers. Without the vegetation to stabilize the slopes, rain and meltwater washed away the soil. To restore this vital habitat, Tottori Prefecture started the Mt. Daisen Summit Vegetation Restoration Project in association with the Mt. Daisen Summit Preservation Group, as well as other related organizations. Wooden boardwalks have been installed near the summit, and the beneficial impact of the project so far can be seen in the pictures below. Please stay on the boardwalks and in the designated areas around the buildings to help to protect the mountain.
