Title Oshima Culture Center

  • Fukuoka
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Preservation and Utilization Council of "Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region"
Associated Address:
901-4 Oshima, Munakata-shi , Fukuoka




Oshima Culture Center

Oshima Culture Center is a short walk from the ferry terminal and admission is free. The displays at this modern facility explain the deep historical connection between Okinoshima and Oshima, particularly regarding Nakatsu-miya and Okitsu-miya Yohaisho as places of worship. Oshima is a tiny island with a circumference of just 15 kilometers and a population of about 700 people, most of whom are involved in the fishing industry. Because their lives depend on the sea, the Three Female Deities of Munakata are very important to them for protection and good catches.

The Oshima Culture Center features a unique short movie on a three-paneled screen, revealing the thoughts of the local people and their feelings towards Okinoshima through powerful interviews (with English subtitles). There are examples of local crafts on display, including the decorative bamboo lanterns that the islanders make for the annual Tanabata Festival in August. On the second floor, displays explain the local rituals passed down through generations, and showcase some of the ritual objects found here on Oshima. In a children’s corner there are videos (in Japanese and English) about life on the island made by the children of the local elementary and junior high schools.
