Title Karauka Sacred Spring

  • Okinawa
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins Annual Events Onsen (Hot Springs)
Medium/Media of Use:
Interpretive Sign Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:


御庭(ウナー)郭の広場は、重要な政治的集会や祭祀が行われた場所だと考えられています。 この場所は、3棟の重要な木造の儀式用殿舎(正殿、南殿、北殿)と、2つの御嶽、そしてカラウカーと呼ばれる神聖な泉に囲まれていました。この泉は、岩から湧き出ている天然の小さな井戸で、常に水をたたえています。伝承によると、女官たちはここで髪を洗ったそうです。また、泉の水位に基づいた占いにも使われました。カラウカーは現在でも信仰上の重要性を持ち続けており、祭祀に使用されています。

Karauka Sacred Spring

The wide plaza of the Una Ward is believed to have been where important political gatherings and religious rituals were conducted. It was bounded by three important ceremonial wooden halls—Seiden, Nanden, Hokuden—as well as two utaki spiritual sites and a sacred spring called Karauka. This spring is a small natural well which emerges from the rocks and always holds water. According to legend, ladies of the court washed their hair here. It was also used for divination, based on the water level. Karauka continues to have spiritual significance and is still used for religious ceremonies.
