Title Katsuren Castle History

  • Okinawa
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
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Katsuren Castle History

The first stronghold on the Katsuren site was a wooden palisade built in the twelfth century. Construction of the stone walls began in the fourteenth century, and they were progressively enlarged and expanded under successive rulers. Lord Amawari, a renowned and visionary leader, ruled the castle in the first part of the fifteenth century, and under his leadership the region prospered, growing in military strength. Artifacts excavated at the Katsuren Castle site show that Amawari and his predecessors conducted active overseas trade, helped by access to an excellent port immediately adjacent to the castle. Katsuren Castle was occupied until the defeat and death of Amawari in 1458, after which the region lost its independence. It was then absorbed into the Ryukyu Kingdom, whose seat was at Shuri Castle.
