Title Third Floor

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
65-2 Kitakoken, Inuyama-shi , Aichi

犬山城 三階

3階に続く階段は、城の中で最も急な、50度の角度です。 防御者が敵を蹴飛ばすのを助けるために建てられたと考えられています。 このスペースに含まれる部屋は、唐破風部屋(破風の間)として知られています。 低い天井は、犬山城の天守が建てられたときの屋根裏部屋としての本来の目的を示しています。成瀬正成(1567-1625)が所有した後に造築されたと言われています。彼は、弓形の中央のアーチを備えた起伏のある唐破風を追加したと言われています。これは、城の外観から見ると印象的なデザインです。

Third Floor

The low ceiling of the third floor is indicative of its original purpose as an attic when the castle was originally built. The undulating gables (karahafu) on the north and south sides were later additions and are attributed to Naruse Masanari (1567–1625) after he took possession of the castle. The gables with their high, bow-shaped center arches are a striking feature of the castle’s exterior. The small rooms under these arches are known as the gable chambers (karahafu no ma).

The staircase leading to the third floor is the steepest in the castle, with an incline of 50 degrees. It is believed to have been built in this way so that defenders of the castle could repulse enemy intruders back down the stairs.
