Title Inuyama Castle Lord’s Room

  • Aichi
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Inuyama City
Associated Address:
65-2 Kitakoken, Inuyama-shi , Aichi

犬山城 上段の間

成瀬氏は、他のどの一族よりも長い400年近く犬山城を所有していた一族でした。 部屋は城のより実用的な部屋から際立っており、天井を設け、床が一段と高くなっています。 部屋の裏には秘密の防衛機能もあります。 武士は引き戸の扉の後ろに隠れ、成瀬氏が攻撃された場合、援助に急ぐことができます。

Inuyama Castle Lord’s Room

One of the rooms is called the jodan no ma, which takes its name from its raised floor (jodan) and was used by the lord of the castle. This feature is found in castles and palaces and indicates that the space is reserved for the highest-ranking individual. Behind the alcove (tokonoma) in this room is an addition called a mushagakushi, literally “warrior hideout,” where samurai could conceal themselves and be ready to offer protection to their lord from visitors with malicious intentions. The decorative board and batten ceiling further marks this area as a place used by the lord of the castle.
