Title Tomb of Emperor Ōjin (Ōjin Tennō-ryō Kofun)

  • Osaka
Historic Sites/Castle Ruins
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group
Associated Address:
Konda, Habikino-shi , Osaka


この前方後円墳は、応神天皇の眠る場所だと言われている。古市地域で最大であり、5 世紀前半に築造されたと考えられている。古代の記録によると、応神天皇は第 15 代天皇で、3 世紀後半の約 50 年間統治していた。応神天皇は新しい朝鮮の織物技術と金属加工、陶器、漢字を日本にもたらした功績がある。

応神天皇陵の墳長は日本で 2 位で、面積は 29 ヘクタール弱だ。高さは 12 階建てのビルと同程度の約 36 メートルだ。元々は3段築成であり、当時は 2 万個の埴輪と呼ばれる素焼きの焼き物が縁どっていた。


Tomb of Emperor Ōjin (Ōjin Tennō-ryō Kofun)

This burial mound shaped like a keyhole is said to be the tomb of Emperor Ōjin. The tomb is the largest in the Furichi area and is believed to have been completed in the first half of the fifth century. According to early records, Emperor Ōjin was Japan’s fifteenth emperor; his reign is thought to have spanned the latter half the third century. Ōjin is credited with bringing new technologies like Korean weaving techniques, metalworking, ceramics, and Chinese writing to the archipelago.

The tomb of Emperor Ōjin is the second largest kofun in Japan, covering a total area of just under 29 hectares. It is approximately 36 meters high, about the height of a 12-story building. Originally the mound had three tiers, which were outlined with an estimated 20,000 terracotta figures called haniwa.

The Imperial Household Agency manages the site and wishes to keep the burial chamber undisturbed out of respect for the imperial line. This means that no major archaeological excavations have been conducted on the kofun mound, and the identity of the occupant is unconfirmed. No one is allowed on the kofun, but there is a torii gate on the north side of tomb where people pay their respects to the emperor. A grove of fig trees and fields of cosmos flowers now cover the former outer moat along the western side, making it a pleasant place to stroll.
