Title Namahage Museum: Exhibit Outline

  • Akita
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なまはげ館:解説 コーナー概要


Namahage Museum: Exhibit Outline

Welcome to the Namahage seizoroi (“Namahage lineup”) exhibit. Here the costumes and masks of Namahage from some 60 settlements throughout Oga are on display, giving an idea of the great variety from one community to the other. Each village has its own Namahage traditions, which are expressed through the appearance, behavior, and possessions of the incarnate deities. For example, here in Shinzan the Namahage do not carry tools, nor do their masks have the horns seen in most other settlements, while other Namahage look more fearsome with their knives, canes, and wands. The name of the home village of each Namahage is written on a slip near its feet. This exhibit is particularly notable for its collection of masks, which include more than 150 varieties. Their characteristics and history are described in more detail in a separate section.
