Title Kazuemachi District

  • Ishikawa
Villages/Towns Regional Specialties
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Ishikawa Prefecture Tourism League
Associated Address:
Kazuemachi, Kanazawa-shi , Ishikawa




Kazuemachi District

Kazuemachi is one of Kanazawa’s traditional “teahouse” entertainment districts where geiko (the local name for geisha) entertain exclusive clientele with music, dance, and games. This teahouse district was established in the early Meiji era (1868–1912). Kazuemachi’s wooden buildings, cherry trees, and riverside location create a charming atmosphere.

Kazuemachi is filled with traditional buildings on narrow streets. The majority of businesses here are geiko teahouses, accepting clients by referral, but the path along the riverbank has a few restaurants and cafes that are open to the public. A small shrine sits atop the Kuragarizaka (lit., “Dusk Hill”) steps, which were once used by rich merchants to discreetly visit geiko in the evenings.
