Title Kutani-yaki Art Museum

  • Ishikawa
Regional Specialties Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Traditional Crafts Public Works & Institutions (Museums, etc.)
Medium/Media of Use:
Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
FY Prepared:
Associated Tourism Board:
Ishikawa Prefecture Tourism League





Kutani-yaki Art Museum

The Kutani-yaki Art Museum celebrates the history of Kutani ware, Ishikawa’s artfully decorated porcelain. Kutani ware is characterized by bold use of color and elaborate designs.

The museum displays exemplary works of Kutani ware by renowned artists throughout the centuries, accompanied by informative English signage. The design of the museum itself, including its tearoom, garden, and shop, incorporates Kutani tile on many surfaces.

Kutani ware was first made around the 1650s and flourished for about 50 years, but then production ceased. In 1824, a wealthy merchant built a new kiln to revive the art. Kutani ware and its constantly evolving designs have been produced in Ishikawa ever since.
