Title Ueno Tenjin Festival: Shinmachi

  • Mie
Villages/Towns Annual Events
Medium/Media of Use:
Pamphlet Web Page
Text Length:
≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
Iga-Ueno Tourist Association
Associated Address:
122-4 Ueno marunochi, Iga-shi , Mie


新町の「だんじり」は、薙刀鉾として知られている。 これは、山車の屋根から突き出た日本の薙刀に由来する。見送幕の墨で書かれた碑文によると、薙刀鉾は1783年前後に作られた。2016年に見送幕は複製品に置き換えられた。 前幕は、前漢時代(206 BCE–220 CE)の英雄、張良(紀元前251–186年)の生涯が描かれている。この中に伝説的な賢者、黄石公が失くした靴を返す場面がある。


 新町の「しるし」は、松に囲まれた小屋で休んでいる白楽天(772–846:白居易としても知られている)像である。 白居易は唐時代(618–907)中国の詩に大きな影響を与えた詩人であり知事でもあった。彼の作風は平易で流麗で詩文に優れていた。松の木は精神性と強さを象徴している。

Ueno Tenjin Festival: Shinmachi

Shirushi: Hakurakuten

Danjiri: Naginata Boko

The danjiri float of Shinmachi is known as Naginata Boko, a name derived from the Japanese polearm (naginata) coming out of the float’s roof. Based on an ink inscription on a side banner, Naginata Boko was built around 1783, but in 2016 the side banner was replaced with a replica. The front curtain depicts a scene from the life of Zhang Liang (251–186 BCE), a hero of the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE), in which he returns lost shoes to the legendary sage, Huang Shigong.

The main curtains contain two parallel illustrations. On the left side, a Japanese bush warbler flies among pine trees, bamboo, and plum trees; on the right, the same plants are depicted with a sparrow in flight. The pine tree, bamboo and the plum tree form a special motif in East-Asian art known in Japanese as shō-chiku-bai. All three remain hardy during the winter, and together they symbolize resilience in the face of difficulty.

The main part of the shirushi float of Shinmachi is a statue of Haku Rakuten (772–846; also known as Bai Juyi or Letian), resting in a hut surrounded by pine branches. An influential Chinese poet and governor during the Tang dynasty (618–907), Haku Rakuten was known for his simple, accessible writing. The pine branches symbolize spirituality and strength.
