Title Tsutsujigahara Nature Trail: rare alpine vegetation and an active volcano

  • Hokkaido
Nature/Ecology Activities National Parks/Quasi-National Parks
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≤250 Words
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Associated Tourism Board:
akammashukokuritsukoemmankitsupurojiekutochiikikyogikai(kankyoushou kawayu)


つつじヶ原探勝路は明らかに異なる3つの風景を通り抜ける心地よいハイキングコースです。アカエゾマツの高木やミズナラ が繁茂する森の真ん中からスタートし、ハイマツの低木やイソツツジなど、珍しい高山植物の草地に入っていきます。コースの終点は硫黄山(アトサヌプリ)の麓です。活火山である硫黄山は、複数の噴気孔(地表の裂け目)から硫黄が噴き出し、山肌の所々を鮮やかな黄色に変色させています。


Tsutsujigahara Nature Trail: rare alpine vegetation and an active volcano

The Tsutsujigahara Nature Trail is a pleasant hiking course leading through three distinctly different landscapes. It starts in the middle of a verdant forest of towering Sakhalin spruce and Mongolian oak before entering a meadow of rare alpine plants, including stubby Japanese stone pines and Labrador tea. The trail ends at the base of Mt. Io (Atosa-nupuri), an active volcano that vents sulfur from multiple fumaroles (openings in the earth’s surface), turning sections of the mountainside bright yellow.

The trail path remains flat for its entire length. There is a wooden viewing platform around 10 minutes from the base of Mt. Io from which the surrounding volcanic terrain can be surveyed. Labrador tea blooms in certain areas along the trail from late June to early July, creating swathes of white blossoms.
